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 Trip over the bridge and beyond THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL

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Trip over the bridge and beyond  THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL Empty
PostSubject: Trip over the bridge and beyond THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL   Trip over the bridge and beyond  THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL EmptyTue Mar 26, 2013 8:54 am

Good morning all

Weather permitting, I am planning a trip over the bridge on
Saturday 6th April. Plan to meet at Aztec West roundabout at 8.30am.
The route will be through the back lanes to the bridge. To Chepstow and then up the B4235 towards Usk. Bit of a long drag up the hill to Shirenewton but the views are magnificent over the valley (ahhhhhh). Up to Usk then on the Old Monmouth Road to Mitchel Troy where we will have a 20 minute breather in a cafe inside the Garden Centre. Then the slog begins. Big long hill up to Trelleck then a roller coaster ride down to Brockweir. Through Tintern and back over the bridge and home!!!! Didn't have a GPS last time I rode it (last August) so not sure how long it is but I believe it to be about 65 miles. Will give an update nearer the time to see how the weather is as not nice if windy or wet. Riders so far interested:
Me, Steve and Dave Morgan and Mark Smith.


Last edited by bigsenior on Tue Apr 02, 2013 4:16 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Highlighting start time)
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Trip over the bridge and beyond  THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trip over the bridge and beyond THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL   Trip over the bridge and beyond  THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL EmptyTue Mar 26, 2013 11:49 am

The cafe is the Red Door Deli, been there many a time including last Sunday.

Sounds like you are doing this route in reverse; http://app.strava.com/activities/25005647

Normally I would be interested in joining you but it is the Pavlova ride the following day so will be on the slightly longer, hillier version of that.

Its a good route though.
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Trip over the bridge and beyond  THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trip over the bridge and beyond THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL   Trip over the bridge and beyond  THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL EmptyTue Mar 26, 2013 1:34 pm

How spooky is that David, exactly the same route. I have not riden the reverse one of this as I love the downhill bit into Brockweir. Have you ridden it both ways? If you have, what was the better one for you? I couldn't think of the cafes name, even asked Steve M what it was and he gave me a blank look.
Many thanks
P.S. The Pavlova Ride??
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Trip over the bridge and beyond  THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trip over the bridge and beyond THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL   Trip over the bridge and beyond  THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL EmptyTue Mar 26, 2013 1:52 pm

Ah yes ... The Pavlova Rides ... Yum :)

It's a gentleish ride out to Hill to meet the wonderful ladies of the WI and
their extensive cake baking skills :)
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Trip over the bridge and beyond  THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trip over the bridge and beyond THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL   Trip over the bridge and beyond  THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL EmptyTue Mar 26, 2013 2:22 pm

Garyx wrote:
How spooky is that David, exactly the same route. I have not riden the reverse one of this as I love the downhill bit into Brockweir. Have you ridden it both ways? If you have, what was the better one for you? I couldn't think of the cafes name, even asked Steve M what it was and he gave me a blank look.
Many thanks
P.S. The Pavlova Ride??

I haven't done the exact route in reverse but I have done the Trellach climb out of Mitchell Troy after stopping at The Red Door. It is HARD, especially with cold legs! If you go the same way as I did it means you get a nice few miles after the cafe to warm up again before hitting the big climb at Llangwym. Great roads whichever way you do it.

Pavlova ride, as John said, is our monthly pootle over to Hill to visit the biggest haul of cakes you will ever see. 50p a slice. Can't go wrong.

This year we will be running 2 groups on Pavlova day (1st Sunday of the month). Scott will lead a leisurly ride, Darran & I are taking a slightly longer, hillier route to the cake.

Let me know how you get on with the Saturday ride, would be interested to hear how my route is in reverse.
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Location : Very north Bristol
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Join date : 2010-04-29
Age : 71

Trip over the bridge and beyond  THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trip over the bridge and beyond THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL   Trip over the bridge and beyond  THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL EmptyMon Apr 01, 2013 8:56 am

Just bumping this for next Saturday.
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Trip over the bridge and beyond  THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL Empty
PostSubject: Trip over the bridge and beyond SATURDAY 6 April   Trip over the bridge and beyond  THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL EmptyMon Apr 01, 2013 12:36 pm


I would be keen to join you for this ride next saturday. Can i meet you at the bridge? I usually park on passage lane and can link up with you there. What time do you think you will arrive at the bridge?


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Trip over the bridge and beyond  THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trip over the bridge and beyond THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL   Trip over the bridge and beyond  THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL EmptyTue Apr 02, 2013 8:33 am

Hi Scott

Many thanks for amending the information on this ride, much appreciated.

KInd Regards

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Trip over the bridge and beyond  THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trip over the bridge and beyond THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL   Trip over the bridge and beyond  THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL EmptyTue Apr 02, 2013 8:54 am

Hi Karen

No problems with joining us at the bridge. We "should" be leaving Aztec at about 8.35am - 8.40am so would anticipate arriving at the bridge around 30 minutes later or so. At the moment, there are five club members riding but that may increase/decrease during this week. I have booked the weather for us, cold and sunny to start with light winds so should be a good ride. Members currently riding:

Garyx: Red, black and white Claude Butler (I may be slow as first ride since 3rd March)
Steve M: Black and white Focus (Mr Billy Whizzy fit bloke)
Dave M: Red and white Trek (fast becoming Mr Billy Whizzy fit bloke 2)
Mark S: Green Trek (used to be Mr Whizzy but drugs and alcohol have taken their toll, ha ha)
Maybe one or two others.

Hopefully see you on Saturday.

Kind Regards

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Trip over the bridge and beyond  THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trip over the bridge and beyond THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL   Trip over the bridge and beyond  THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL EmptyTue Apr 02, 2013 11:54 am

Can you add one more for meeting at Aztec. Not so much Whizzy as Dizzy early on a Saturday but I should be awake by Chepstow Very Happy .
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Trip over the bridge and beyond  THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trip over the bridge and beyond THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL   Trip over the bridge and beyond  THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL EmptyTue Apr 02, 2013 1:05 pm

Hi Martin

You are more than welcome to join us, the more the merrier. Please don't shoot the organiser though if we get lost!!!!

Many thanks

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Trip over the bridge and beyond  THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL Empty
PostSubject: Trip over the bridge and beyond SATURDAY 6 April   Trip over the bridge and beyond  THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL EmptyTue Apr 02, 2013 4:32 pm

Hi Gary

that sounds great i shall aim to be at passage lane at 9.10 am - i shall be on my Kuota.

see you there and thanks for booking the weather! Very Happy Hopefully a day like today but not too windy.

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Trip over the bridge and beyond  THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trip over the bridge and beyond THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL   Trip over the bridge and beyond  THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL EmptyTue Apr 02, 2013 5:19 pm

Excellent Karen. Is Passage Lane the pedestrian lane leading up to the bridge from Aust Services?

Looks like there will be possibly seven of us now which is good news.

See you on Saturday at 9.10am ish.

Kind Regards

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Trip over the bridge and beyond  THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trip over the bridge and beyond THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL   Trip over the bridge and beyond  THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL EmptyTue Apr 02, 2013 5:37 pm

Hi Gary, Thanks. Look forward to seeing you on Saturday. And getting lost hardly calls for a firing squad, the public spectacle of a good hanging is much better bet! Smile
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Trip over the bridge and beyond  THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL Empty
PostSubject: Saturday Ride   Trip over the bridge and beyond  THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL EmptyTue Apr 02, 2013 7:38 pm

Commitments permitting ill tag along too.
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Trip over the bridge and beyond  THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trip over the bridge and beyond THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL   Trip over the bridge and beyond  THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL EmptyWed Apr 03, 2013 8:20 am

Hello Ribblerider

You are very much welcome to join us. Aztec roundabout on the hotel side at about 8.30am.

Hopefully see you there.



P.S. I take it you ride a ribble bike????
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Trip over the bridge and beyond  THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL Empty
PostSubject: Trip Over the Bridge and Beyond   Trip over the bridge and beyond  THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL EmptyWed Apr 03, 2013 12:25 pm

Garyx wrote:
Excellent Karen. Is Passage Lane the pedestrian lane leading up to the bridge from Aust Services?

Looks like there will be possibly seven of us now which is good news.

See you on Saturday at 9.10am ish.

Kind Regards


Yes Passage Road is a left turn off A403 just before you go under motorway (not the service station side)

see you then

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Trip over the bridge and beyond  THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL Empty
PostSubject: Can I join in on Saturday?    Trip over the bridge and beyond  THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL EmptyWed Apr 03, 2013 9:44 pm

I can meet you at the Aztec roundabout on the hotel side. Please let me know if this is o.k.

Thanks Libby
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Location : Very north Bristol
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Age : 71

Trip over the bridge and beyond  THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trip over the bridge and beyond THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL   Trip over the bridge and beyond  THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL EmptyWed Apr 03, 2013 10:45 pm

Karen wrote:
Garyx wrote:
Excellent Karen. Is Passage Lane the pedestrian lane leading up to the bridge from Aust Services?

Looks like there will be possibly seven of us now which is good news.

See you on Saturday at 9.10am ish.

Kind Regards


Yes Passage Road is a left turn off A403 just before you go under motorway (not the service station side)

see you then


http://goo.gl/maps/3ZNWI here!
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Trip over the bridge and beyond  THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL Empty
PostSubject: oh   Trip over the bridge and beyond  THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL EmptyThu Apr 04, 2013 9:05 am


No is this not a normal road riding session? If not the other Saturday ride will be for me. Sorry.

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Location : Very north Bristol
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Join date : 2010-04-29
Age : 71

Trip over the bridge and beyond  THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trip over the bridge and beyond THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL   Trip over the bridge and beyond  THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL EmptyThu Apr 04, 2013 10:10 am

This one might be a Tad harder and faster Libby If I was you I would go with Marks this time.
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Trip over the bridge and beyond  THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL Empty
PostSubject: thank you    Trip over the bridge and beyond  THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL EmptyThu Apr 04, 2013 10:17 am

I'll give it a miss. Have a good day on Saturday.
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Trip over the bridge and beyond  THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trip over the bridge and beyond THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL   Trip over the bridge and beyond  THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL EmptyThu Apr 04, 2013 5:23 pm

Hi Libby

You would have been more than welcome on our ride and it would have been good to meet with you. Not sure of your riding standard or level of fitness so Big Seniors suggestion of going on Marks ride may be the better option. As Big Senior has quoted, the group going out will be doing about 60 - 65 miles with a good deal of climbing (I think about 3,500 feet) with an average speed of about 15mph. If I get back in one piece as opposed to pieces, I will do a write up on Sunday.

Kind Regards


P.S. Maybe also doing the WI Pavlova ride on Sunday as I have heard so much about the cakes!!!!
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Trip over the bridge and beyond  THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL Empty
PostSubject: Early Saturday ride   Trip over the bridge and beyond  THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL EmptyThu Apr 04, 2013 5:59 pm

Hey guys, discretion is the better part of valour, after completing this route in reverse today my legs and lungs have objected!!!? I'll catch you on the next one as the early format suits me, have a good one.
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Trip over the bridge and beyond  THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trip over the bridge and beyond THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL   Trip over the bridge and beyond  THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL EmptyThu Apr 04, 2013 6:21 pm

Hi Colin

Shame you can't join us now, but I/we will certainly be looking at some longer/hillier routes throughout the spring/summer time for the Saturdays. I need to build up my general fitness level ready for the Mendip Sportive in August that afew of us are booked to do then.

I am also looking at the Sunday longer ride to the cakes (mmmmmmmm, cakes) with David and the crew.

Kind Regards

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Trip over the bridge and beyond  THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trip over the bridge and beyond THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL   Trip over the bridge and beyond  THIS SATURDAY 6TH APRIL Empty

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