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 Saturday 17th May - Longer Hillier Mendips Ride

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Saturday 17th May - Longer Hillier Mendips Ride Empty
PostSubject: Saturday 17th May - Longer Hillier Mendips Ride   Saturday 17th May - Longer Hillier Mendips Ride EmptyThu May 15, 2014 9:46 pm

I'm going to be heading down to the Mendips for a long hilly ride on Saturday and wondered if anyone fancied joining me.

Route will be something like this or this.

Cafe stop in Cheddar with possible second stop at Chew Valley Lake Visitor Centre. Pace will be usual club run pace as I'm not that quick up the hills.

Leaving from the Create Centre at 9AM.


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Saturday 17th May - Longer Hillier Mendips Ride Empty
PostSubject: Re: Saturday 17th May - Longer Hillier Mendips Ride   Saturday 17th May - Longer Hillier Mendips Ride EmptyFri May 16, 2014 7:33 pm

Hi Graham, If you were up for changing to Sunday then we could ride together as I'm busy Saturday already.
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Saturday 17th May - Longer Hillier Mendips Ride Empty
PostSubject: Re: Saturday 17th May - Longer Hillier Mendips Ride   Saturday 17th May - Longer Hillier Mendips Ride EmptyFri May 16, 2014 8:55 pm

gakko wrote:
Hi Graham, If you were up for changing to Sunday then we could ride together as I'm busy Saturday already.

I can't make Sunday unfortunately, as would have done the Tintern ride otherwise. I'm sure i would have slowed you down though.

As there are no takers i will just ride from home in the morning.
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Saturday 17th May - Longer Hillier Mendips Ride Empty
PostSubject: Re: Saturday 17th May - Longer Hillier Mendips Ride   Saturday 17th May - Longer Hillier Mendips Ride EmptyFri May 16, 2014 9:00 pm

No worries mate, will see if there is anyone up for a Sunday alternative
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Saturday 17th May - Longer Hillier Mendips Ride Empty
PostSubject: Re: Saturday 17th May - Longer Hillier Mendips Ride   Saturday 17th May - Longer Hillier Mendips Ride Empty

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Saturday 17th May - Longer Hillier Mendips Ride
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