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 Saturday 8th August - the alternative, alternative

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Location : Bristol
Posts : 215
Join date : 2013-10-27

Saturday 8th August - the alternative, alternative Empty
PostSubject: Saturday 8th August - the alternative, alternative   Saturday 8th August - the alternative, alternative EmptyFri Aug 07, 2015 8:53 pm

Very late notice, but I'm going to do this tomorrow (with Tom, I think):

Meet Costa 8.30am. Over bridge to Chepstow. Climb up to St Brevels, then on to Coleford. Descent to Monmouth. Flat along the Wye for a coffee at the Old Station (Tinturn); then back up through the forest to Davauden and descent into Cheptow.

This will be fairly 'grippy' (17mph +) but don't let that put you off if you fancy that kind of ride.

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http://<a href="http://veloviewer.com/athlete/4529795/">&l

Saturday 8th August - the alternative, alternative Empty
PostSubject: Re: Saturday 8th August - the alternative, alternative   Saturday 8th August - the alternative, alternative EmptyFri Aug 07, 2015 9:28 pm

I shall be there. With my newly fitted freehub
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Saturday 8th August - the alternative, alternative
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