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 Saturday 28th May - Monmouth and Usk Valley

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Location : Horfield
Posts : 226
Join date : 2013-09-22
Age : 34

Saturday 28th May - Monmouth and Usk Valley Empty
PostSubject: Saturday 28th May - Monmouth and Usk Valley   Saturday 28th May - Monmouth and Usk Valley EmptyMon May 23, 2016 10:11 pm

For anyone who missed out, or didn't get enough of the Welsh sunshine last weekend, here's another opportunity:


65mi at 16/17mph. Cafe stop at Red Door Deli. Departing Costa 9am.

See you there!

PS: It seems I have managed to inadvertently put together an almost identical route to Simon's Monday ride  Razz Rolling Eyes As I probably won't be able to make Monday I'm going to keep as is for now though. If there is demand, I can re-route towards Cheddar or something though!
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Location : Severn Beach
Posts : 127
Join date : 2013-10-22
Age : 44

Saturday 28th May - Monmouth and Usk Valley Empty
PostSubject: Re: Saturday 28th May - Monmouth and Usk Valley   Saturday 28th May - Monmouth and Usk Valley EmptyThu May 26, 2016 8:59 am

Might join you on this one... may meet you at the bridge though.
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Location : Horfield
Posts : 226
Join date : 2013-09-22
Age : 34

Saturday 28th May - Monmouth and Usk Valley Empty
PostSubject: Re: Saturday 28th May - Monmouth and Usk Valley   Saturday 28th May - Monmouth and Usk Valley EmptyFri May 27, 2016 9:38 pm

This ride is still a go tomorrow for anyone interested. We have 4 out at the moment I believe.
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Saturday 28th May - Monmouth and Usk Valley Empty
PostSubject: Re: Saturday 28th May - Monmouth and Usk Valley   Saturday 28th May - Monmouth and Usk Valley Empty

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Saturday 28th May - Monmouth and Usk Valley
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