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 Fiday 20th Truant ride

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Location : Very north Bristol
Posts : 9762
Join date : 2010-04-29
Age : 72

Fiday 20th Truant ride  Empty
PostSubject: Fiday 20th Truant ride    Fiday 20th Truant ride  EmptyFri Jan 20, 2017 4:06 pm

Another fantastic ride with two lovely people today Andrew Twosheds Lovell and Jeff Webber .Just a little run over the bridge up through Tintern up THAT climb (yes the steep one ) into St Brivals and then down to see the wonderful Mr Simon Luce for a cuppa tea cake and a warm up . Thanks to you both for the ride and huge thanks to Simon for the fuel stop.
See you Sunday for a brisk ! run to the lakes and maybe next Wednesday for an attack of Cheddar Gorge.
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Fiday 20th Truant ride
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