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 Grants punisment ride

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Location : Very north Bristol
Posts : 9762
Join date : 2010-04-29
Age : 72

Grants punisment ride  Empty
PostSubject: Grants punisment ride    Grants punisment ride  EmptyFri Jan 12, 2018 6:42 pm

As someone who shall remain nameless ie Grant said he was coming on the new years day ride up the Tumble and then Failed to turn up.He has to take his punishment.so saturday 20th Jan I have devised a nice little route for him . It starts in Stroud and takes in some nice little undulations . it's only about 35 miles with about five little lumbs so about 3,200ft . There is a food stop in Nailsworth so you can have nice cafe legs to tackle the last big hill before coming down Frocester.
Why not come up north for a nice little gentle ride . starting at 10.00 from the free car park in cairnscross .
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