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 Easter Monday 2 April 2018

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Easter Monday 2 April 2018  Empty
PostSubject: Easter Monday 2 April 2018    Easter Monday 2 April 2018  EmptyThu Mar 29, 2018 10:11 pm

We shall be heading for Monmouth on Easter Monday. Monmouth might seem like a long way to go for a pasty but it's definitely worth it and you get to ride up and down some lovely Welsh hills. We'll stop on the way at the Filling Station (Tintern) for a coffee, Pasty Heaven (Monmouth) for lunch and for a final cuppa in Chepstow.
If you want to trim a few miles of the ride, drive to and park up in New Passage Road in Aust. Let me know if you are going to do this so we can look out for you.
We'll be setting off from Bradley Stoke at our usual time of 10.00 am, reaching the Bridge around 10.30.
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Easter Monday 2 April 2018
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