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 27 August Bank Holiday Monday

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27 August Bank Holiday Monday Empty
PostSubject: 27 August Bank Holiday Monday   27 August Bank Holiday Monday EmptyMon Aug 20, 2018 12:10 am

This ride takes in the iconic climb known as The Tumble. At 3 miles long with an average gradient of 8% it's a tough 'un but it is do-able as thousands of weekend warriors discover every year when they ride the closed road Velothon Wales. And when you eventually reach the top, most of the next 17 miles is spent descending. You can cut 14 miles off the route by parking in New Passage Road near the southern end of the old Severn Bridge. Note that the ride starts at 9 am.


The route mentioned above has been amended ever-so-slightly. After reaching Pontypool we head in the direction of the Llandegfedd reservoir visitor centre's cafe on the way to Usk. If you downloaded the original, delete it and download the new version (use the same link).

Our first scheduled stop is Annettes Cafe in Abergavenny. We'll stop here for a bit of lunch and a rest before we tackle the Tumble which is just a couple of miles from Abegavenny. I won't be refilling my drink bottle competely at the cafe, to save weight. I'll probably pop in the fuel station in Blaenavon and buy a drink that will do until we get to the visitor centre cafe.
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Location : Very north Bristol
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Join date : 2010-04-29
Age : 72

27 August Bank Holiday Monday Empty
PostSubject: Re: 27 August Bank Holiday Monday   27 August Bank Holiday Monday EmptyFri Aug 24, 2018 5:18 pm

Update from Gary
I've amended the route so that we now pass the LLangdegfed Reservoir and can call in at the visitor centre's cafe (mile 53.6). If anyone needs their drink bottle(s) filled before then, we can still stop off at one of the fuel stations on the way.
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27 August Bank Holiday Monday Empty
PostSubject: Re: 27 August Bank Holiday Monday   27 August Bank Holiday Monday EmptySun Aug 26, 2018 11:41 pm

Remember it's a 9 o'clock start on Monday.
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27 August Bank Holiday Monday Empty
PostSubject: Re: 27 August Bank Holiday Monday   27 August Bank Holiday Monday Empty

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27 August Bank Holiday Monday
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