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 Febuary Soup ride

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Location : Very north Bristol
Posts : 9762
Join date : 2010-04-29
Age : 72

Febuary Soup ride  Empty
PostSubject: Febuary Soup ride    Febuary Soup ride  EmptySun Feb 02, 2020 3:36 pm

Well what was to be a nice easy 35 mile recovery ride after yesterdays Audax turned into a battle with the wind.
Nice easy run out with us flying up the A38 with a rather brisk tail wind. All was quite nice if a bit chilly compared to yesterday until we turned towards home at Hill and there was the wind o our noses . Still we plodded along as we do.
Quick stop at the top of Cow hil for Dave to admire the view and stick his head into the church to admire the stain glass it was once more into the wind. Passage road was a bit nasty with the wind whipping of the sea then the little run along the sea front at Severn beach was not good at all .The sea looked very angry and with the wind and it seemed the whole world was out in the bracing weather taking their dogs for a walk it was a very grateful bunch of riders who crawled into Shirlys cafe for refreshment . Breakfast and soup and bowl of chips also for some a huge piece of cake it was off again .My di2 battery went flat so no big ring on the front but it didnt make a difference really as wind wasnt playing ball . Back to Bradley Stoke nice and early .All in all not a bad little ride today.
Young Dave is off back to the land down under for a few weeks so we will miss him greatly. Have a great time back home Dave and looking forward to your return already.
Saturday little ride next week as I am Audaxing next Sunday so it will be a very gentle 35 miler to wartmr up the legas ready for 100k on Sunday.
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Febuary Soup ride
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