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 First ride after the Plauge Sunday 5th July

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Location : Very north Bristol
Posts : 9762
Join date : 2010-04-29
Age : 72

First ride after the Plauge  Sunday 5th July Empty
PostSubject: First ride after the Plauge Sunday 5th July   First ride after the Plauge  Sunday 5th July EmptySun Jun 28, 2020 6:40 pm

Well we are going to try and run our first ride for many a long week due to the local outbreak of cold and flu.
As most of you havent taken up the chance to get lots of riding in and some of us have been working none stop we are just going to go for a little 35 miler with 1200 ft of climbing.
Its a bit of a mix of the cake ride and soup ride as you can see from the link.
As we can only go in groups of 6 a couple of members have stepped up to lead groups if we get a good turn out.
One thing I will ask which I dont normally ask is if you think you can make the ride could you PLEASE let me know so I can try to work out groups etc.
Shirleys at Severn Beach is open for take way drinks and food so as long as we disperse out side we should be ok.
The start will be at 10.00am on Sunday 5th July from the Willowbrook Centre at Bradley Stoke .
Hope to see a few of you out .
Hopefully Kate will be leading one group with Me and Dave leading any others .


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First ride after the Plauge Sunday 5th July
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