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 Big announcement

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Location : Very north Bristol
Posts : 9762
Join date : 2010-04-29
Age : 72

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PostSubject: Big announcement    Big announcement  EmptyTue Sep 29, 2020 7:32 pm

I have done a lot of thinking in the last couple of weeks.Due to the recent changes that the government has decided to implement and along with reading the latest advise from CyclingUK,I feel that I have no other choice than to stop organising club rides for some time. At least until this fiasco has run it's course. The advise in Britain is that we once again have to stick to maximum of 6 . If for any reason we end up with more,then we need to split into groups and ensure that we don't "meet" up. As you may be aware we ride under the Cycling UK umbrella and the ride leaders are insured in case of a third party claim .They have advised me that this insurance will be void if we don't abide by the rules.Not only that but I will most likely be held responsible.
We seem to have a real problem with anyone standing up to help organise and lead a group and I do not wish to get involved with any problems that may arise alone.
I do realise that I have been pushing my luck lately with organising rides i.e. I haven't been doing risk assessments and taking all your details prior to a ride. This is the last thing I want to do, I just want to go out with some mates and have a ride and try to help other like minded people go riding .
I have been having enough problems trying to organise cafe stops but the recent rules are just a step too far for me.
The only thing I can suggest is that you just message or some how get in touch with anyone that you want to ride with and just ride in independent groups,nothing to do with North Bristol Cycle Club.
I very much regret having to take this step but the way I feel at the moment with all the rules and new laws I am not enjoying the rides as much as I used to.
If any one wants any routes then either go back through the forum and look at some of our old rides or go to Ridewith gps and do a search for Scott Vetinari routes there are hundreds on there of various lengths and starting points.
If you want a new route then either message me and I can assist you with making a new route or helping you make you own on Ridewithgps.
A few members "may well turn up" at Bradley Stoke on a Sunday morning .If this happens I need to make clear that this is nothing to do with me or NBCC It just happens that a few mates just meet up and decide to go for a ride.
Until such times that they have worked out just what we can do and stick to it for more than a month the current situation leaves me with no other choice.
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