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 Ellen is back!! 2nd may

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Location : Very north Bristol
Posts : 9762
Join date : 2010-04-29
Age : 72

Ellen is back!! 2nd may  Empty
PostSubject: Ellen is back!! 2nd may    Ellen is back!! 2nd may  EmptyThu Apr 29, 2021 3:58 pm

Good news Ellen is back cracking the whip this Sunday. her and Sam's group are both going to Clevedon via Suspention Bridge so there is a chance for those that side of Bristol to join there.
As you are aware Ellens group is a bit more relaxed pace so if you are still building up after lockdown why not join her.

There are a few cafes in Clevedon either along the sea front or a nice one in the main precinct we have used before.

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Ellen is back!! 2nd may
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