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 Evening ride Tues 15th and/or Weds 16th June

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Evening ride Tues 15th and/or Weds 16th June Empty
PostSubject: Evening ride Tues 15th and/or Weds 16th June   Evening ride Tues 15th and/or Weds 16th June EmptyMon Jun 14, 2010 10:32 pm

Hi All,

I'm hoping to get out for a ride after work tomorrow night - hopefully starting around half 5 or 6. I would give Castle Combe a go, but I've got a mate coming to stay, and I need to be back in Bristol by around 8 really.

I'm thinking of doing my 'normal' evening loop which is:

A38 from Aztec West up to next junction of M5.
Cross M5, passed Tortworth Manor - and towards Dursley. At T junction, turn right towards yate, and then left after a couple of hundred yards toward Wickwar.
Go through Wickwar, then towards Chipping Sodbury - before heading back through Yate, Iron Acton, Frampton Cotterel & Winterbourne. If I start at my house it's 27 miles start to finish.

One day I'll figure out a way to get this on mapmyride or something - I tried last night, but after 2 hours I'd only managed to map as far as Thornbury, so I gave up!!!

We (myself and Jo) might well do the same loop again on Weds if anyone prefers that instead - or if you want to do another loop, just let us know!!

Drop me a PM if you are interested.

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Evening ride Tues 15th and/or Weds 16th June Empty
PostSubject: Re: Evening ride Tues 15th and/or Weds 16th June   Evening ride Tues 15th and/or Weds 16th June EmptyTue Jun 15, 2010 2:48 pm

OK - I managed to work out how to manually add a ride into mapmyride:


Let me know what you think.

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Location : Very north Bristol
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Evening ride Tues 15th and/or Weds 16th June Empty
PostSubject: Re: Evening ride Tues 15th and/or Weds 16th June   Evening ride Tues 15th and/or Weds 16th June EmptyTue Jun 15, 2010 3:06 pm

Unfortunatly this is my busy time of the year but i will keep watching and hopefully one day our paths will cross again.
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Location : 브리스 틀
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Evening ride Tues 15th and/or Weds 16th June Empty
PostSubject: Re: Evening ride Tues 15th and/or Weds 16th June   Evening ride Tues 15th and/or Weds 16th June EmptyTue Jun 15, 2010 3:24 pm

I've added this to the calender for you Gordon.
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Evening ride Tues 15th and/or Weds 16th June Empty
PostSubject: Re: Evening ride Tues 15th and/or Weds 16th June   Evening ride Tues 15th and/or Weds 16th June EmptyTue Jun 15, 2010 4:08 pm

Brilliant - thanks for that.
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Evening ride Tues 15th and/or Weds 16th June Empty
PostSubject: Weekday Rides   Evening ride Tues 15th and/or Weds 16th June EmptyTue Jun 15, 2010 4:21 pm

Hi all,

Hoping to get out on wednesday during the day fairly early im affraid so im not getting my hopes on anyone able to join me but just letting you all know just in case !!. Looking at starting at around 2pm and doing a loop of 30 miles, heading out towards wooton-under-edge and back.

If your available txt me on 07817545303 or PM me.


Sorry.... didnt manage to get out today, all bumgrd up and feeling like poo.... couldnt breathe properly so thought I would rest my body for a while...

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Evening ride Tues 15th and/or Weds 16th June Empty
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