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 Wednesday 4th PM - Well I was going to suggest an evening ride...

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Wednesday 4th PM - Well I was going to suggest an evening ride... Empty
PostSubject: Wednesday 4th PM - Well I was going to suggest an evening ride...   Wednesday 4th PM - Well I was going to suggest an evening ride... EmptyMon Apr 02, 2012 10:39 pm

Well I was going to suggest an evening ride, however looking at the Met Office the wind is picking up and there's a chance of sleet. As well as that the temperature is due to be a balmy -3 (27*F for you oldies) taking wind-chill, therefore taking inspiration from the dragon's den - "I'm out"

When I say I'm out, I actually mean I'm in(side) in the warm, with a cuppa tea and some cake.

I'm unlikely to be out for the next few weeks as I'm away for Easter and then its my brother's stag do, enjoy the rides and if I'm about for an evening ride I'll post something up, potentially a non Wednesday starting at the Suspension Bridge/Ashton Court etc.
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Wednesday 4th PM - Well I was going to suggest an evening ride...
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