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 Newbie FAQ's - Please Read if you're new to the club

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Location : 브리스 틀
Posts : 954
Join date : 2010-04-28

Newbie FAQ's - Please Read if you're new to the club Empty
PostSubject: Newbie FAQ's - Please Read if you're new to the club   Newbie FAQ's - Please Read if you're new to the club EmptyMon Jun 28, 2010 7:46 pm

Starting a new sticky thread for those Frequently Asked questions

Do I have to have a racing bike and all the kit?

No. Enthusiasm for cycling is the most important thing. Some members do have flashy bikes but the truth is they don't help you ride that much faster. That said, you'd need talent to do the club run on a shopper bike.A road bike is preferable but you might ! get away with a good hybrid if you are very fit  YOU MUST ride with a helmet and bring a spare inner tube and pump in case of a flat!.


In winter the traditional amongst us ride with mudguards, although this is not a strict rule as it is with some clubs.

What to carry?

Typical items a rider would carry are :-

saddle bag
tire tubes x2
tyre levers
patch kit
mini multi tool
zip ties
chain link
snack Bar
drink bottles
C02 pump or hand pump on frame

How fit do I need to be to be able to come riding with you?

You’ll need a reasonable level of fitness to be able to do one of our rides. For our steady Sunday ride we’d suggest that you should be able to ride about 30 miles in less than 2.5 hours or average 13-15mph

Do you meet every Sunday?
Yes, even if it's raining members have been known to go out. But check the forum just in case there's a change of plan or route.

What types of riding do you do?

Nothing to put anyone off. Firstly, the rides will be to build up your confidence to enable you to ride accompanied and in close proximity of others. This also includes general hand signals & instructions to warn other riders in the group of obstructions and other road users where abouts.

Where do the Sunday club runs leave from and at what time ?

Sunday runs leave at 10am and arrive around 3pm back at the Carpark by the main entrance at Tesco Bradley Stoke BS32 8BS. Details of the many other rides can be found on the club forum under Main club rides

If I wanted to join, what should I do next?
Register on the forum and keep an eye on up and coming rides and why not post here and introduce yourself https://nbcc.forumotion.com/t3-join-in-and-say-hi

Last edited by bigsenior on Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:16 pm; edited 14 times in total (Reason for editing : 10am Start)
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Location : 브리스 틀
Posts : 954
Join date : 2010-04-28

Newbie FAQ's - Please Read if you're new to the club Empty
PostSubject: Re: Newbie FAQ's - Please Read if you're new to the club   Newbie FAQ's - Please Read if you're new to the club EmptyThu Nov 22, 2012 8:50 pm

We have a strict NO HELMET, NO RIDE policy - Please bear this in mind when attending a ride to save any embarrassment.We also require proof of third party insurance after a maximum of two rides .
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Newbie FAQ's - Please Read if you're new to the club
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