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 Saturday 12th alternative to Monmouth, Red door deli

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Saturday 12th alternative to Monmouth, Red door deli Empty
PostSubject: Saturday 12th alternative to Monmouth, Red door deli   Saturday 12th alternative to Monmouth, Red door deli EmptyThu Jul 10, 2014 11:11 am

Unfortunately I don't have enough time to do the Gran fondo with Mark this Saturday, but I do just have enough time for a 60 miler.  I last did this in February and it's a good one, so if anyone else is up for a slightly shorter ride then you are welcome to come along!  
It's across to Chepstow, up a nice B road to Monmouth, then return all down the Wye Valley.  Stop is the red door deli just off route near Monmouth.

Apologies for the quality of the link I don't use a Garmin so just plan routes on Google maps but it does contain the correct route (55 miles)


Idea is to leave Bradley stoke at 9am, I understand Mark's ride is too so I'll try and avoid confusion.
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Saturday 12th alternative to Monmouth, Red door deli Empty
PostSubject: Re: Saturday 12th alternative to Monmouth, Red door deli   Saturday 12th alternative to Monmouth, Red door deli EmptyThu Jul 10, 2014 7:02 pm

Oh dear that is some link. Most of us use. ridewithgps.com
I will edit you link to make it a bit tidier.
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Saturday 12th alternative to Monmouth, Red door deli Empty
PostSubject: Re: Saturday 12th alternative to Monmouth, Red door deli   Saturday 12th alternative to Monmouth, Red door deli EmptyFri Jul 11, 2014 12:15 am

Thanks Scott, that hides the ugly link! It's a simple route so I haven't done a proper gpx route, can't go wrong really with Monmouth and back  Laughing 

Just to confuse things I'm actually going to make it a slightly earlier start and try and meet on the south east side of bridge at 8:30, I'll wait until just after then if anyone wants to join me - it's currently just two of us going and the pace will be average no more than 15mph.

If anyone does want to come but is unsure of route from Bradley stoke to Aust let me know and I can divert via BS to guide you, PM me your mobile if you are planning on coming and you can always let me know to wait.
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Location : Very north Bristol
Posts : 9762
Join date : 2010-04-29
Age : 72

Saturday 12th alternative to Monmouth, Red door deli Empty
PostSubject: Re: Saturday 12th alternative to Monmouth, Red door deli   Saturday 12th alternative to Monmouth, Red door deli EmptyFri Jul 11, 2014 7:34 am

Have a look here Victor .Shows you how to make a tidy link.
Where Dave says type link here it is best to copy and paste then you dont get it wrong.
I always preview post to make sure it is ok . Also make sure you have NO gaps between the [url bit and the link

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Saturday 12th alternative to Monmouth, Red door deli Empty
PostSubject: Re: Saturday 12th alternative to Monmouth, Red door deli   Saturday 12th alternative to Monmouth, Red door deli Empty

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Saturday 12th alternative to Monmouth, Red door deli
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