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We are a very friendly and laid back road cycling group, our aim is to enjoy our cycling with others who share our passion. We are based in the North Bristol and South Gloucestershire area.All of our Sunday rides start from Costa in Bradley Stoke BS32 8BS (Note: 4 1/2Hr Parking limit) at 10.00am but we do occasionally start from other local locations to expand our range of rides. We are not a competition orientated group and we vary our rides to suit the pace of the members on each run. Our rides usually take place on a Sunday morning and cover a range of 40 to 55 miles with stops from time to time depending on the terrain and the capability of the group.

What we ask is that you are capable of riding the distances involved and at a fair pace.

We have a strict NO HELMET, NO RIDE policy - Please bear this in mind when attending a ride to save any embarrassment

We are a very diverse bunch of riders in age, ability and size! We are attempting to run one ride a month aimed at newcomers so keep your eye on Weekend rides section. Making new friends whilst enjoying our hobby/sport, get some fresh air and perhaps improve our fitness is what we are all about. If you think this might appeal to you why not apply to join our group or just come along and join in with one of our rides?

You will notice that part of our forum isn't open to non members right away. We require few initial requirements before gaining full access. Thankfully these aren't particularly difficult to fulfill. Upon application you will be contacted by a member of the Administration via the e mail address you logged.
This will just ask that you answer a few non personal details then if you decide that we are the type of club you would like to try then we ask that you attend a ride so that you can assess us and vice versa.You will then be sent an application form to fill out and you will need to provide proof of third party insurance.

Please see the FAQ for further information or just browse the rides section for up-coming rides.
If you require any further details please Contact Us.

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Sunday Rides At the speed of chat !

2831035October Rides
Tue Sep 28, 2021 11:04 pm
EllenT View latest post
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Slightly longer harder Sunday Rides

11October Rides
Tue Sep 28, 2021 11:04 pm
EllenT View latest post
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Saturday Rides (Rides at the speed of chat)

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Fri Jul 16, 2021 2:16 pm
bigsenior View latest post
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Weekday/Bank Holiday Rides

5374573Bank holiday ride to...
Fri Aug 27, 2021 11:27 am
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Weekday Evening rides

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Sun Aug 22, 2021 6:35 pm
bigsenior View latest post
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